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National Federation of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (NFWLHA) is a woman led organization which came into being following a discourse on the need for gender equality amongst the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) community in 2006 through an informal network called Women Network against HIV and AIDS in Nepal. The name of the network was later changed to NFWLHA without changing its vision in 2007. NFWLHA is not just the name of the network but a movement in itself with the belief that women have the capacity and can lead change for themselves and for others. NFWLHA has extended its networking to 35 districts, covering almost all provinces, with over 28-member organizations -all led by Women living with HIV (WLHIV), with more than 51% WLHIV in executive board and general members. This situation can be argued as a gender biased approach too, but in a situation where WLHIV has been intensely pushed back in accessing services and resources; there was an urgent need for affirmative steps to bring them forward. NFWLHA is an organization of and for these women. We are uniting and organizing local groups to educate and sensitize communities about HIV/AIDS; building awareness about precautions to take to avoid becoming infected; and advocating for a just society where infected and affected women and their children live without fear of stigmatization and discrimination. Currently, there are total of 7 executive board members in NFWLHA and all of them are WLHIV.


  1. Meaningful engagement of WLHA in the national response to HIV and broader women movement so as to influence the decision-making process that affects their life

Strategic Priorities Area of Intervention

  1. Capacity building of Member Organizations (MOs) and Networks
  2. Research and knowledge management for evidence-based policy advocacy
  3. Community System strengthening.
  4. Strategic Advocacy to Access to easy and affordable HIV related health services

Guiding Principles

  1. Gender Equality and Human Rights
  2. Equitable access to comprehensive and quality HIV services
  3.  Centrality of W/GLHIV
  4.  Evidence informed planning and programming
  5.  Policy influencing and evidence-based advocacy)
  6.  Participatory decision making
  7.  Women and youth leadership
  8.  Partnership/membership and networking
  9.  Right to privacy and confidentiality respected and maintained
  10. Self-determination; and understanding our issues using a women’s rights and feminist lens and ensuring feminist principles govern how we operate
  11.  Acknowledge, accept and represent the diversity of women living with HIV
  12. Critical Reflection and Commitment xiii. Equitable distribution of responsibilities
  13.  Commitment to women’s rights
  14. Respect for every person’s dignity
  15.  Respecting Individuality